
5-at-10: NFL QB depth, visor tip for Al Michaels, free bowl picks contest, happy birthday to Taylor Swift | Chattanooga Times Free Press

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5-at-10: NFL QB depth, visor tip for Al Michaels, free bowl picks contest, happy birthday to Taylor Swift | Chattanooga Times Free Press

You can have it mesh with the coaching staff perfectly.

You can zoom into contention in a wide-open conference.

And then your QB1 goes down and poof.

The Jets know. They lost Aaron Rodgers in four plays into the season.

The Browns know. They lost DeShaun Watson as their top-ranked defense started flexing its strength.

The Vikings know. They lost Kirk Cousins right when Kirk Cousins was being the good Kirk Cousins.

The Colts and the Giants know. They lost Anthony Richardson and Daniel Jones respectively.

The Bengals know. They lost Joe Burrow and any reasonable chance at returning to the AFC title game.

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This document may not be reprinted without the express written permission of Chattanooga Times Free Press, Inc.

5-at-10: NFL QB depth, visor tip for Al Michaels, free bowl picks contest, happy birthday to Taylor Swift | Chattanooga Times Free Press

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